Nature preservation organisations |
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Rothschild’s giraffe project | ||||||
SPECIES | Girafes de Rothschild (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi): Sérieusement mises à mal au siècle dernier par le braconnage et la réduction de leur territoire, les girafes de Rothschild sont répertoriées En danger d’extinction sur la Liste Rouge de l’UICN. On n'en dénombre aujourd’hui que 670 en liberté, qui survivent difficilement dans quelques zones isolées du Kenya et un parc national d’Ouganda. | |||||
THE TEAM | ![]() | |||||
ABOUT | The Rothschild's Giraffe Project led by Zoe Muller, a dedicated biologist, is conducting scientific research on the Endangered Rothschild's giraffe in Kenya.With less than 670 individuals remaining in the wild, the Rothschild's giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi) is the second most imperiled giraffe subspecies in Africa. To date, very little research has been carried out on this subspecies, something that the Rothschild's Giraffe Project is trying to address. The research will form the basis of various reports and publications, and will contribute to the long-term conservation of the Rothschild's giraffe in East Africa. | |||||
HELP THEM | You can support the Project and donate using the following link | |||||
WHERE | ![]() c/o Soysambu Conservancy Ltd. Private Bag Nakuru 20100 KENYA | |||||
CONTACT![]() | E-mail: Tel: Internet: | |||||
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